We're excited to wrap up Women's History Month with one last spotlight interview! Stevi serves as a Delivery Manager and has been a key player in Envision's growth since she joined.
Share an overview of your professional journey, how did you get where you are today?
I started in recruitment right out of college and right away I enjoyed building relationships with people from all different sorts of backgrounds.
What made you want to step into this industry?
I was familiar with the industry as my older sister was already working in talent acquisition. I loved the idea of helping people find their dream jobs and quickly realized my skills and work ethic could make me a successful recruiter.
What do you think you have done differently to be successful?
I have networked a ton and always continue to build relationships with candidates in the market. My goal is to not only ensure I am providing candidates with a great candidate experience but to also provide clients with top tier talent.
What do you enjoy most about your current position?
Building relationships, getting to know my candidates, and placing them somewhere they thrive!
Do you have any advice for young women looking to start in recruiting or the tech industry?
Do it, you will be challenged and really gain knowledge from all walks of life. It is very rewarding!
Anything else you want to share?
If you ever have any questions or want to learn more about IT recruiting, never hesitate to reach out!